The last thing any homeowner needs is another expensive headache. However, any roof will sustain immense damage after a strong rain or hailstorm has passed the day before. Some would call their roofing contractors immediately and for good reason: most offer free roofing inspections. These inspections give homeowners accurate roof repair estimates.
Nevertheless, for your own peace of mind, you can conduct the roof inspection yourself. By observing the following areas, you can make an accurate description and perform temporary repairs before contacting professional contractors.
Cracked Caulks
The strong material that binds your shingle rows to the flashing of your roof can withstand rainshowers. However, windy rainstorms or hailstorms will damage caulks severely. Weakened caulk will dislodge its shingles should it go through another rainstorm without redress.
Inspect the caulked areas on the flashing of your roof. If you find any small cracks, you can repair this effectively with a simple re-caulking. If the cracks are numerous, take photographs of these areas to show your contractor.
Rusted Spots on Flashing
Over time, your flashing will suffer through micro-ponding after each rainstorm. Flashing can withstand moisture for a very long time. Rusted spots are common if your roof is above 10-20 years old. These areas will need redress to avoid damaging both the rows of shingles and the membrane underneath the flashing of your roof during the next rainstorm.
Peeling Paint on Metal Roofs
Metal roofs can last up to 70 years with proper maintenance. Part of their lengthy lifespan is due to the protective coating that helps them reflect UV rays to help the insulation of properties and reduce the moisture permeating its surface.
Hailstones with sharp edges often peel this protective coating on top of metal roofs. Older metal roofs subjected to different temperatures will show the same symptom as well.
Missing, Misshaped, or Blistered Shingles or Roof Membranes
Hailstones vary in shapes but will often have sharp edges that can blister or even crack shingles if they hit in high velocity. If you find any blisters or misshaped shingles, take note of these areas. You can perform a simple shingle replacement if you find only a few shingles missing, misshapen, or blistered.
However, you will need professional help and inspection especially if majority of each roofing section has missing shingles
Damaged or Worn Pipe Collars
Pipe collars are made of strong EPDM rubber, the same material used for the roofing membrane. Roofing contractors often use the same material to introduce a strong airtight seal around your vent’s opening. In some cases, strong storms will cause damage to the rubber material. You can redress small leaks with caulking. However, a worn-out pipe collar will require immediate professional attention.
Presence of Mold, Algae, or Fungi on Roofing Membrane
If the roofing membrane underneath your shingles indicates the presence of any lifeforms such as mold, algae, or fungi, it is possible that your roofing membrane is ponding. Uneven surfaces or sunken roofing membrane areas causes it to trap water. T
his allows airborne lifeforms such as those mentioned to create a habitat. These can eat away at wooden shingles and cause long-term damages to other shingle materials if not properly redressed.
Temporary Solutions Before Calling Roofing Contractors
Before calling roofing contractors to conduct their thorough inspections, you can conduct these simple repairs to help your roof prevent further damages. It’s not as complex as roofing an entire house, so anyone can definitely do it!
Re-Shingling Your Roof
A set of shingles can cost just about $24. If you have minor shingle damage, you can purchase similar shingle colors and cut them evenly to fit your roof.
Make sure to purchase roofing nails of varying lengths to hammer your shingles into place. The nails will also help reinstate loose or popped shingle nails especially from shingles damaged during the previous storm.
Apply Roofing Caulk and Sealants
Roofing caulk only costs $6 and is easy to apply. Most containers have a lengthy neck opening that helps you apply the material evenly across the affected cracks and surfaces on your shingle or asphalt roof.
Caulk is useful in sealing metal and vinyl flashing around chimneys, skylights, and attic vents as well. Make sure to conduct caulk repairs if you’re not anticipating a rainstorm the following day because it needs an entire day to dry.
Removing Mold and Other Lifeforms
Make sure that your mold, algae, or fungi killer is intended for roofing use. Some mold-killing chemicals include iron, which will stain any roofing material may it be wooden shingles or asphalt membranes. Be wary of the possible side-effects other chemicals do to your roof as well.
Begin by clearing the roof of all visible lifeforms using a broom, brush, or any instrument that can help you reach the underside of your shingles. Spread the agent across the areas with green patches that are hard to reach to prevent lifeforms from spreading.
Qualities of a Good Roofing Contractor
If you’re not sure which roofing contractors to contact near your area, here are a few helpful tips to find a reliable one.
Has Experience Working With a Number of Roofing Materials
Experience is the best teacher. Roofing contractors with extensive experience in using different roofing materials such as asphalt, synthetic (EPDM, TPO, PVC), and others are definitely more expensive. However, these contractors likely work only with the best brands that give their clients a long-lasting solution to their roofing problems and provide their employees proper training in all areas of roofing services.
Meets Set Deadlines
You need to get your roof repaired as soon as possible especially when the rainy season hits consistently in the coming weeks. You want to work with a contractor that will meet deadlines you agree with from the beginning of your working relationship. Find a contractor with excellent reviews regarding logistics and time management to ensure you get positive results during or before the appointed deadline.
Value for Money
Some homeowners find it difficult to trust free inspections because most roofing contractors try to “bloat” their inspections with services not needed by their roof during the time. A good contractor will point out all possible instances that will damage your roof further and give you a simple yet technical explanation for their proposed roofing services. They make it imperative to give you the best quality of service.
If a storm recently hit your home, it would be wise to inspect the areas mentioned above to make sure your roof will withstand any violent weather in the next few days. If you find any small damage, conduct temporary repairs and call on a reliable roofing contractor to help you assess and address the damages immediately.